Personal Experiences

During a 2-month stay at Esalen in 2010, I had a couple of sessions with a man named Jules, who seemed to know more about my journey than I did.  My curiosity aroused, I asked him about his training: he mentioned a name - Lansing Barrett Gresham - that I googled when I returned home.  

A few months later as I was in my first IA class, Lansing came to me at the break to ask how I was doing.  I replied, “I know all of the words you’re using, but it’s as if you’re speaking a completely foreign language.”  He smiled and said “you’...
-Eric - Alameda, CA

My first introduction to IA was from an article I read in one of the massage magazines back in the early 2000’s. It was written by Dale Alexander. I was intriguingly lead to sign up for one of the public workshops. I bought both of IA’s books and read them. Then took another workshop in 2009. As of 2014, I have engaged in a massage practice for 20 years. For the last few years I have been asking Source, my Higher Self or the Universe for the “next step” to deepen my work....

-Marsha Copeland - Sonoma, CA

Integrated Awareness has been for me a very personal journey from chaos to calm, from separation to belonging, a vehicle of self-inquiry and discovery, a touchstone for sanity and safety. Guided through a process of experiential learning, IA works from the inside out. I was asked to show up for the process, state what I wanted and to remain open for what is possible. 

With a professional background in mental health and having spent years studying and exploring many modalities in the healing arts and sciences, IA offers...
-Susan - Alaska

When I was a young student nurse in 1950 and again when  getting my degree in 1980 I had been educated to know the function  and problems associated with the interior organs of the physical body.  I learned the typical Medical Model for the disease process, trauma repair and the different approaches for healing via surgery and/or medication.

Later I was introduced to Therapeutic Touch for nurses to use in their patient care.  It was an application of one’s energy through the hands to create a soothing, relaxing caring touch to facilitate relaxation and healing.
-Rosemary - Brewster, New York

Without a doubt I would not be here today, let alone with a spring in my step, joy in my heart, and a body that is serving me well, without my healing learning experiences with Lansing and IA over these past many years. Thanks to IA, I learned to overcome serious physical, mental, emotional and spiritual challenges. My entire family has benefited by also receiving private sessions and attending workshops. We are all healing emotional wounds, growing, maturing and are able to relate to each other in present time, without the baggage that...

-Eileen - Los Angeles, CA

Desde que Andrew trabaja conmigo son muchos los cambios que he notado y ha sido una gran sorpresa para mí, es más de lo que yo me esperaba y los cambios se sienten rápidamente.

Por una parte, me siento con más energía, ya que últimamente estaba siempre muy cansada y este cambio hace que tenga más ganas de hacer cosas y que me sienta más positiva.
En general estaba bastante triste y sin ganas de salir o de ver gente y esto ha cambiado. También estoy más serena y no tengo los cambios...
-Fany - Spain
