Personal Experiences


When I was a young student nurse in 1950 and again when  getting my degree in 1980 I had been educated to know the function  and problems associated with the interior organs of the physical body.  I learned the typical Medical Model for the disease process, trauma repair and the different approaches for healing via surgery and/or medication.

Later I was introduced to Therapeutic Touch for nurses to use in their patient care.  It was an application of one’s energy through the hands to create a soothing, relaxing caring touch to facilitate relaxation and healing.
-Rosemary - Brewster, New York

I watched two dear friends change in their self-regard and self-knowing through their work in Integrated Awareness. I was powerfully affected watching their transformations. When I hit a wall, in terms of life choices and patterns, I turned to IA. I now watch my own transformation and feel forever grateful. The journey has not been easy; it has been remarkable. When I find myself lost in old habits, disconnected from myself, or in a state of forgetfulness, I have a table session. I come home to myself. 

Practicing Five Element Acupuncturist since 1979...

-Vicki - Blue Hill, ME

During a 2-month stay at Esalen in 2010, I had a couple of sessions with a man named Jules, who seemed to know more about my journey than I did.  My curiosity aroused, I asked him about his training: he mentioned a name - Lansing Barrett Gresham - that I googled when I returned home.  

A few months later as I was in my first IA class, Lansing came to me at the break to ask how I was doing.  I replied, “I know all of the words you’re using, but it’s as if you’re speaking a completely foreign language.”  He smiled and said “you’...
-Eric - Alameda, CA

About 15 years ago, my doctor recommended a wonderfully gifted IA teacher to me. Through a series of table sessions and occasional workshops, my perspective of the world around me and my place in it has changed profoundly. The notion that there is more choice available to me is both thrilling with possibility and daunting with responsibility. I can recall the moment when I finally felt the weight of choosing to view myself as scarred shift toward the possibility that I was quite complete.

I’m attracted by the notion that while I don’t need fixing,...
-Carolyn - South Marin, CA

I went to see an IA Teacher, at the suggestion of a counselor - who said, I think now it is time for you to work with your body.  I think you will find the most healing by doing that and that you should try out this work called Integrated Awareness.  That’s about all I remember.  I was searching for answers to some things that I couldn’t quite formulate the questions for.  I had interest in energy work, but needed a sense of tangibility.  I was struggling with life and my place in it, and how to find a sense of balance that I longed for, seemed to know...

-Lesley - New Hampshire

I’ve been learning and expanding with the aid of Integrated Awareness for fifteen years. As a teenager I talked circles around talk therapists, uninterested in a conventional approach to anything, much less to depression, anxiety, and my myriad strategies of resistance to living.  

My first experience with IA felt insistently true and instantly trustworthy. I don’t remember what I went in to accomplish, and I don’t remember what my teacher looked like, even though I’ve worked with her every year since.  I do remember a new found...

-Max - Brooklyn, NY
