This is an IA Avocational workshop open to all current IA Graduates and Apprentices.
Population growth, climate change and human behaviors are all bringing us once again into exposure and conflict with a great many viral entities. Assuming we do survive as a species, another evolutionary shift seems inevitable and necessary.
At the same time, the omnipresent intrusiveness of electronics into our lives has popularized the phrase “going viral”. The addiction of adults to the potent neurochemistry of computer use, especially by the primary visual cortical focus, using both alarm system and reward neurotransmitters – comparable to nicotine and amphetamines – the enormous attraction to and the predisposition of children toward that aspect of our societies – all suggest that another genetic change has already begun. A specific and unsettling energetic frontal lobe bulge can be sensed proportional to time, use and dependence.
This course is being designed to a) tie more closely together in a conscious way the relationships between chemistry, the immune systems and the childhood creation - PTS in nature - of our other/other selves, b) to return to tools the role of our various technologies and c) to specifically reduce the reinforced elements of obligation and overwhelm we feel all too often.
This will be a major self-healing event based upon highlighting societal contribution to behavior, to the experience of “grounding” by acceptance directed through mineral bone, reawakening within it the sense of possibility where we now believe “that’s the way it will always be”, and reprogramming our rules about safety.
Oct 4 & 8 1pm start - 7pm end;
Oct 5, 6, 9 & 10 - 11am start;
Oct 10 - 5pm end;
Oct 7 "rest day"
6 contract days or $900 for the week