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Change always starts from within. Even if the signs are external, recognizing them requires that we perceive our environment differently.
And, we are primates. We learn by encountering an example new or different to us, experimenting by trial and error if we want to learn or change, and then manifesting what we have discovered in our own unique way.

We work with our physical structure to revise beliefs, because our bodies are built to support change – constantly in flux, adaptable, responsive to choice.
Most of us react by cutting off choice. On earth, movement is as fundamental as gravity. When we make a rule, when we cut off choice, it shows up in the body as movement stopped.
By moving out of resistance into confusion, we induce a state in the body which allows opening to new choice and then on toward discovery and integration.
Restoring mobility restores choice.

In IA, by presence, we mean congruence—spatially, temporally, and intentionally. If no part of yourself is off doing something else, then you are in that moment, operating in a state without judgment.

We all have many things in common: birth and death, gender, nervous systems, skeletons, genetic endowments, minds and feelings. If we look, what differs most strikingly are our habitual movements and postures and their extraordinary variation in degree of ease and grace.
Gravity is a universally shared part of all our lives–consistent in itself–yet we struggle with and utilize it in wildly different ways. Much of this comes from confusing the habitual with easy – thinking that the familiar is also preferable. Actually, it is often not your friend.

From first cell to last breath, every one replaces itself and passes on what has been learned. This downline is consistent throughout the entire body – from brain to heart to bone.
In day-to-day terms this means that the essence of your being and the growth in your life – all the ages you have been – still exist today, side by side, simultaneously in the present.

Most of us are familiar with all the external senses illustrated to the left — although we prioritize some over others, usually sight or sound.
Our brains actually process several more non-stop, and if we allow them into awareness, can change our lives in remarkable ways.
Gravity, interoception and energetic connectivity are particularly valuable:

“If you were to design a physical structure by which a soul, an aspect of the divine, could journey within earth reality, you would surely do everything possible to create a feedback loop, an information system, through which that embodied soul might make intelligent interpretations of experience and wise choices for creating more.
For efficiency’s sake, you might base that feedback system on built-in parallels, intrinsically elegant metaphors, holograms and analogs to the true nature of the soul, only in physical form.

“A good description of having healed is:
- Physically you are capable of doing what you want without fear of pain or reoccurrence;
- Emotionally you are responsive to present events instead of using them to recreate past hurts;
- Mentally you are quiet and without a sense of coercion;

Begin by sitting comfortably upright.
Then, first choose a rule awkward for you to follow and wish to be free of.
Second, close your eyes and sense inside yourself any place(s) tighter than the rest.
Third, very slightly constrict one of them a little bit more and hold for 30 seconds.
Fourth, gradually relax that spot, pausing at each easing to recall what you don’t like about the rule.