An Avocational event for Apprentices & those Graduates who wish review or first time exposure.
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It’s been a while since a true “Lever” training was taught. Current Apprentices are ready and any Graduates that might have missed or would like review are welcome.
This time, Archimedes Lever will be presented via the emotional body matrices with crossovers to all eleven dimensions, thus prepping and grounding in the body’s map and movements.
Dates are detailed below. This design will allow for our usual experience-based learning, opportunities to use the new skills with table guests and to feel how it can play out even on the floor.
Sept 9-11: “Archemides Lever” (learning the Lever)
Sept 12: “off day”
Sept 13-15: Assist Days - (using the Lever)
Sept 16&17: “The Body’s Map: Movements for Peace” (integrating the Lever)
Sept 9-11: Avocational days - 11am to 6pm
Sept 12: "off day"
Sept 13-15: Assist days - 11am to 6pm
Sept 16-17: Workshop - Sat 11am - 6pm; Sun 11am-5pm
Apprentices: contract days
Grads: Member discounts apply for specific days