Hidden Opportunities

Workshop Information

There is an old cliche’ about problems vs challenges vs opportunities.

What isn’t revealed by that is how strongly correlated are:

… “problems” with the mental body;
… “challenges” with the physical body; and
… “opportunities” with the emotional body. 

Each, of course, interacts with the others — and how you responded to this idea is a good example of its nature and validity.

Enhancing our abilities to recognize in the moment which is dominant and/or most hidden will:

- allow better allocation of your time and energy resources;
- invite awareness of what contributes to frustration and disappointment;
- improve personal relationships and
- inject ease into many areas of our lives.

Come for the day with at least two examples where these are confused and ripe for clarity.

Anticipate welcome surprises.

March 9, 2019

11am to 6pm


$150 for the day
Bring a friend or family member and each receive $20 off. 

Integrated Awareness®
3800 Bodega Avenue
Petaluma , CA 94952
United States
IA Center