Life without Limits – Relationships with Limits

One Day Class Information

Would you like to feel more comfortable with someone close to you? Or to be able to have more space without cutting connection?

In order to have a full life, it helps be able to feel the limits in your relationships with others, be that with a partner, with family, with friends or with colleagues.

A boundary is a limit that’s congruent in the moment with your Being and your body. A barrier is a fixed limit, imposed by the mind, that drains energy from both people.

Working through the body, in the this workshop you’ll have the opportunity to transform barriers into boundaries, to trust more in yourself and to allow for clearer, more gratifying relationships in your life.

Integrated Awareness processes are centred in a deep listening to the body, the senses and movement and are designed to develop congruence between body, mind and soul.

October 10, 2015

10.30 - 14.00



Sunshine Room, The Park
505 East Whins Findhorn
Forres , MOR IV36 3TH
United Kingdom
Andrew Graham McKay
+44 (0)7530 139401