This is an advanced skill-building event open to IA Graduates only.
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Several recently published studies not only fill in more of our existing brain mapping, they also suggest where we can induce direct neurological changes and even give hints – all we need – as to how they may be guided into new patterns.
One example is the role of mitochondrial
DNA’s, now shown to be variable throughout all tissue types, to morph over time and to develop symbiotic control within nerve
cells in particular. Acting chimerically, they exert great influence over diabetes, obesity, vascular functions and Alzheimer’s. And, mitochondria do still appear to be an endowment from our mothers only… wow.
A second example teams the insula, specific movements, internal sensations in the temporal overlay – previously declared impossible – and the ability to sense the presence of others without relying on any of the usual, external channels.
We’ll reference suggested readings.
From first neuron to death, the brain is constantly changing its rules – mostly by processes we do not intentionally monitor or supervise. The mind’s rules, of course, are built from reactive behaviors intended to control and limit change.
By shifting our priorities to include these newly identified and highly malleable brain circuits, we will be able to simultaneously combine:
- neurologic change
- less need for defense
- new ideas which are welcomed by the mind &
- manifestation on the spot of new desired behavior
This will be a chance for all of us to create greater alliance between the mind and the brain.
And, it will also be the first Grad-only event I’ve taught since I can remember – sabbatical is fruiting.