Now that the season for “have tos”, “shoulds” and “try, try agains” has passed, along with some New Year’s resolutions, many of us wonder why we were (or maybe still are) attracted to specific:
- Individuals
- Groups
- Beliefs
- Life paths
To regain a sense of choice in any of these areas, conscious awareness of the preceding/underlying factors is a huge help:
1) Body type – usually “spokal”
2) Chemistry – genetic predisposition
3) Wounds and Strategies – social conditioning
For example:
- The same wound and same strategy encourage friends
- An opposite wound and opposite strategy arouses sexuality
- If mixed – one wound or strategy the same and one opposite – trends toward long term interactions with struggles, because both people are working the same lesson from opposing perspectives (i.e. the majority of marriages).
Each of these “magnets” will be invited to reveal their fundamental nature, creating more ease and greater choice.
Table sessions will be available just ahead of the weekend course for those wanting “a head start”.
Come for your own clarity – or bring an Important person for even deeper understanding.
Saturday: 11am to 6pm
Sunday: 11am to 5pm