The Epigenetics of Embodiment and Consciousness

Avocational Study Information

This is a Community Event for IA Graduates and Apprentices, designed in company with the preceding table days and workshop, “Placebo Calling”.  

Log in for details

Community Information: 

Be sure to read the most current Community Blog on Microchimerics.  This October’s course will begin prepping us all.

We have had two apprentice events, a grad event and TSH 10 this year already. We recognize the possibility of some community fatigue being in play –  And, we have had enough interest to go ahead!  Reminder to register below or directly with the Center.

Emphasis will be split about equally between continuing to heal some of the personal issues lingering in our lives by experiencing the microchimeric influences upon you directly and by sharpening existing skills and filling in blanks needed for a successful and safe embracing next year of these extraordinary interactions with others when you touch.

Given public table days Oct 20-21 and Placebo Calling Oct 22-23, we envision:

Oct 24: rest day for those attending part or all of the above;

Oct 25: Optional table session day for community, grads given priority, to experience/introduce micro awareness and responses

Main Avocational Days:
Oct 26 thru Oct 29 for Encounters and incorporation of Epigenetic elements, consciousness and processes:

Day 1 & 2: Advanced prep to combined perceptual realms needed to simultaneously ID both temporal and pre-temporal onset points/ages of epigenetic activation using tissue types and locations, elements of incorporated matrices in the body’s map, brain mapping update and related threads (Lever);

Day 3: Distinguishing of inherent epigenetics vs microchimerics with emphasis on acetyl vs methyl attachment;

Day 4: The Silenced Mind in New Domains - Giving over to self-trust.

October 25, 2016 to October 29, 2016

(Oct 20-21: Session/Assist days & Oct 22-23 weekend workshop - optional momentum builders)
Oct 25: 11am to 7pm - Community session/table day
Oct. 26-29: 11am to 6pm - Main Avocational Days

Expanded States and Perception

Standard tuition.  
Placebo Calling weekend: 30% Grad discount
Session and hands-on discounts also apply. 

Center for Integrated Awareness®
170 Professional Center Drive
Rohnert park , CA 94928
United States
IA® Center