Self-Trust: Distinguishing Perception from Projection - a Saturday class

Workshop Information

In these times when so many of our personal realities differ so sharply, being able to sense the truth of another by their words or actions, and of what it actually consists, can be priceless.

Our central nervous system (brain) operates primarily on the basis of learned adaptations to prior sensory stimuli. Thankfully, it also remains capable of creating new responses to new stimuli and of updating the old ones.

Lacking any direct sensory input of its own, our minds operate exclusively on the basis of models and beliefs derived from the meanings assigned to our previous experiences and to their resulting predictions.

Most of what we believe to be current external input is filtered by our past to generate what is essentially an echo of our own projections, based on what we still expect to be sent our way.

Fortunately, our body/brain’s nature does not lie. Neither can anyone else’s. Learning to recognize our own true feelings reveals the truth of both.

For this day, bring a little extra excitement and a little extra courage.

The Individual Session days immediately preceding are ideal for those desiring to create a mini-intensive.

June 10, 2017

Saturday: 11am to 6pm


$150 or one contract day

Cancellation Policy: 
There will be a 20% processing fee for cancellations with less than 24 hours notice.
Center for Integrated Awareness®
170 Professional Center Drive
Rohnert Park , CA 94928
United States
IA® Center