Jill Row

Jill Row

Integrated Awareness®
Rocklin , CA
United States
What originally drew me to Integrated Awareness?:

While working long hours in a career that left little time for family or myself, I felt stuck between to unacceptable choices - leaving my job and jeopardizing the welfare of my family, or choosing financial stability and sacrificing quality of life. Integrated Awareness (IA) offered a new path where I learned to access a wealth of internal information, discovering options that enabled me to move out of my self-imposed prison and take risks that could enhance my life experience.

Through IA, I learned that manifesting change is a process of exploration where self-trust and a willingness to remain vulnerable open the door to unlimited possibilities. By mustering the courage to create something new, I gave myself the gift of freedom to pursue my dreams without compromising my family or myself.

Background and Additional Credentials: 
B.S. Education, University of Kansas
Single mother
Prior career in sales and account management, working with physicians and large medical groups to focus on cost management of medical supplies - improving the bottom line, streamlining processes, and enhancing profits
Strong supporter of Waldorf education
Experience working with troubled adolescents, transporting them to therapeutic programs
Martial Arts Training 4 1/2 years, first degree black belt